Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Halloween Popcorn Pops with Campfire® Marshmallows

I was compensated by Campfire® Marshmallows for my time in developing this recipe and post. All opinions are my own.

Halloween Popcorn Pops Photo

Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn. Can you believe I've pretty much only been eating it out of a bowl? Well, I'd say it's due time to put it on a stick and eat it like a lollipop, right? Popcorn and I go way back - to Sunday night TV nights with my family - but the truth is, it's an extremely versatile treat.

We've done savory popcorn with Cool Ranch popcorn and we've done fruity with orange creamsicle popcorn. We are now well into fall (I still cannot believe it!) and Halloween is rapidly approaching. I'm sure you all have parties, school events, or gatherings where you need to bring a treat along with you! These pumpkin spice popcorn pops are the perfect thing.

Halloween Popcorn Pops Picture

Kids love anything on a stick… and let's face it, adults kinda do too. And anything pumpkin spice is alllll the rage.

My popcorn pops are flavored with pumpkin spice and held together by sweet, melted Campfire® Marshmallows. They have a lot of fun Halloween marshmallows available like the super fun Scary Berry Campfire® Marshmallows, but for this recipe I stuck with the classic Mini Marshmallows.

Halloween Popcorn Pops Image

I always keep a bag on hand! They melt down perfectly to coat the popcorn and hold these cute little pops together. Your guests will be able to eat them off the stick and keep their hands from getting sticky.

Other than the marshmallows, for this recipe I used my homemade pumpkin pie spice, these fun lollipop sticks, and of course my trusty air popper. I also used candy melts to decorate them along with some fun Halloween sprinkles – because I can never resist picking up sprinkles at the grocery store! I rolled some in orange sugar and kept those simple – but I think they are my favorites.

Halloween Popcorn Pops Pic

You can have fun with this recipe and do it any way you want. Get creative and make them look like pumpkins! Get the kids involved in decorating. The sky is the limit!

You can find out more about Campfire® Marshmallows and get more recipe inspiration on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


  • 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
  • 16 ounces campfire® mini marshmallows
  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 cup halloween-colored sprinkles
  • 30 lollipop sticks
  • candy melts and sprinkles, for decorating


  1. Pop popcorn using an air popper. Place in a very large bowl and remove any unpopped kernels*. Sprinkle jimmies over popcorn.
  2. Melt marshmallows, butter and pumpkin pie spice in a large pot over medium low heat until smooth and completely melted.
  3. Pour over popcorn and sprinkles and stir until all popcorn is coated with marshmallow mixture. Butter one of your hands well.
  4. Using a cookie scoop (mine was 1/3 cup), scoop out popcorn mixture and use your buttered hand to form a popcorn ball around a stick.
  5. Repeat until all the popcorn has been used up, adding more butter to hands if they start to stick. If desired, drizzle with black or orange candy melts and sprinkle with Halloween sprinkles.
  6. Store in airtight container for 2-3 days.


  • To remove kernels, I use two bowls. Pop the popcorn into one large bowl. Give it a few gentle shakes to let the unpopped kernels settle to the bottom of the bowl. Then, using your hands, take handfuls of the popcorn and move it to the 2nd bowl, removing any hard pieces as you go (they should be mostly at the bottom). Discard unpopped kernels when you get to them at the bottom of the bowl.


via Food Fanatic http://ift.tt/1k1okQs


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