Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Malted Milk Ball Guinness Floats

It's time to get your float on.  Cause it's summer and you can justify drinking these as "beverages" and/or dessert.  Go get you some.

Can we all agree that there's nothing better than ice cream/gelato/fro yo?  I'm not picky, really.  All of these frozen custards call to me and I will immediately cave.  I fell victim to a pint of Malted Milk Ball gelato last week.  There may also have been a Key Lime Graham gelato flavor picked up at the same time.  What can I say?  I'm weak.

I started thinking about what to do with these newly acquired desserts.  Of course I could just eat them.  Nothing wrong with that, clearly.  However, I could also try to be creative and make something else out of them.

Enter the Guinness.  Have I mentioned before how I'm in a Guinness phase?  Probably.  To continue this trend, I decided a Guinness float was in order.  One can never have enough Guinness floats.

Malted Milk Ball Guinness Floats

makes 4 floats

  • 1 pint malted milk ball ice cream (or vanilla or coffee ice cream)
  • 3 11oz Guinness, cold
  • 4 pint glasses, chilled in the freezer if desired

1) Divide the malted milk ball gelato between the 4 glasses.


2) Top evenly with the Guinness.

3) Enjoy!

Did you see how simple it was to create this?  Two steps.  That's it.  OK, three steps if you want to get fancy with it.  What are you waiting for?  

This float was slightly tart,creamy and sweet from the beer and gelato combination.  Because I opted to go for the malted milk ball ice cream, I ended up eating this with a spoon.  Malt balls can't be sucked through straws very easily.  I guess I could have just drank it from the jar, but I preferred the spoon method.  I'm classy like that.  I can't wait to try similar combinations with other ice cream and beer flavors.  Things will be getting out of control over at TBK in the very near future!

via The Bitchin' Kitchin' http://thebitchinkitchin.blogspot.com/2013/07/malted-milk-ball-guinness-floats.html

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 3542095

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