Saturday, September 28, 2013

apple pie recipe, how to make vegan apple pie recipe

apple pie recipe

apple pie and apple tarts are an absolute favorite baked dish at home. on some occasions i make this apple tart and it really makes for a good sweet breakfast or evening dessert.

this is a vegan recipe for making apple pie. the pie crust is made both with whole wheat flour and all purpose flour in 2:1 ratio respectively. i have shown step by step pics to make this easy apple pie at home. even without using butter or cold water, the crust was crisp and flaky.

you can cover the top of the apple pie completely or make a lattice pie crust. apple pie is best had warm plain or with some glazed syrup or even whipped cream. you can even refrigerate the apple pie and have it later.

lets start step by step apple pie recipe:

1: seive or mix all the dry ingredients together – whole wheat flour, all purpose flour and salt.

flour for apple pie preparation

2: add the olive oil

add oil to apple pie flour mixture

3. with your fingers tips rub the oil in the flour. keep on doing this and you will start to get a breadcrumb like texture. continue to do this till the whole mixture looks like breadcrumbs. this step should be done properly as this results in giving a flaky texture to the crust.

apple pie mixture

4: add water and just bind the whole mixture together. don't knead. gather everything and form a dough. if the dough looks dry, add some more water. cover the bowl and meanwhile prepare the apple filling.

apple pie crust

5: peel, core and slice the apples. add the cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, demerara sugar and whole wheat flour.

add apple slices

6: mix well.

mix apple pie mixture well

7: divide the dough into two or four equal parts depending on the size of your pie pan. roll on a dusted work surface.

roll apple pie dough

8: place one of the rolled pie crust gently on a greased pan and pressing  it gently, line it with the pan.

rolled apple pie crust on pan

9: arrange the apple slices with the filling evenly on the bottom pie crust. top the apple slices with dots of butter or a few drops of olive oil.

arrange apple slices on pie crust

10: cover the pan with another rolled pie crust and fold the edges of the top crust over and under the bottom edges. you can also cut strips from the rolled dough and create a lattice pie crust. cut through the top pie crust with a fork or knife from top so as to allow steam to pass whilst baking. brush with soy milk or any milk and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon powder on top.

bake apple pie

11: bake the apple pies in a pre heated oven at 180 degrees C for 50-60 mins or till the crust has become golden and crisp. it took exact one hour in my oven. serve the apple pie warm or at room tempearture plain or with some whipped cream.

apple pie recipe

if you are looking for similar recipes then do check eggless apple cake, eggless apple upside down cake, eggless pumpkin muffins and apple halwa.

apple pie recipe details below:

apple pie


Recipe type: dessert

Cuisine: world

Serves: 2-3

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup all purpose flour/maida
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ⅓ cup water at room temperature
  • ½ tsp salt or as required
  • 2 medium sized apples, peeled, cored and sliced
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder
  • ¼ tsp nutmeg powder or grated nutmeg
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp demerara sugar/brown sugar/regular sugar
  • a few dots of oil or butter to top the filling
  • some cinnamon powder and organic unrefined cane sugar/brown sugar/regular sugar for sprinkling
  • a few teaspoons of soy milk/almond milk or dairy milk for glazing
  1. seive or mix all the dry ingredients together – whole wheat flour, all purpose flour and salt.
  2. add the olive oil and with your fingers mix the oil in the flour evenly to get a breadcrumb consistency. this step should be done properly and this results in giving a flaky texture to the crust. the whole mixture should look like breadcrumbs.
  3. add water and just bind the whole mixture together. don't knead. gather everything and form a dough. don't over do.
  4. peel, core and slice the apples.
  5. mix the cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, demerara sugar and whole wheat flour into the apples.
  6. preheat your oven.
  7. grease your pie pan or pans with olive oil.
  8. divide the dough into two or four equal parts depending on the size of your pie pans.
  9. roll the divided parts of the dough on a dusted work surface.
  10. cover the rolled pie crusts with a napkin so that they don't dry out.
  11. place one of the rolled pie crust gently on a greased pan and press it towards the bottom and the edges.
  12. arrange the apple slices with the filling evenly on the bottom pie crust.
  13. top the apple slices with dots of butter or a few drops of olive oil.
  14. cover the pan with another rolled pie crust and fold the edges of the top crust over and under the bottom edges. flute the edges.
  15. you can also cut strips from the rolled dough and create a lattice pie crust.
  16. cut through the top pie crust with a fork or knife from top so as to allow steam to pass whilst baking.
  17. brush with soy milk or any milk and sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon powder on top.
  18. bake the apple pies in a pre heated oven at 180 degrees C for 50-60 mins or till the crust has become golden and crisp.
  19. serve the apple pie warm or when at room temperature.
  20. you can refrigerate or freeze the pies. wrap the apple pies when they completely cool down in a cling film or store them in an air tight container and refrigerate or freeze.


via Veg Recipes of India


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