Thursday, September 26, 2013

Livin' The Life 9/26/2013

It's here!!!! The most wonderful time of the year only starts once DD 

(that's Dunkin' Donuts for the uninitiated) busts out the pumpkin coffee.

 Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers Martin/Sheneneh.

Come on, my 90's friends!  Come. On.

I went to Nashville and brought back these cowboy boots.  I bought brown shoe 

polish to turn that white thread brown.  Halfway there!

 Brunch at Umami Burger.  Amazing!

I am obsessed with that seared "U".

Post-brunch cocktail hour at Ayza. I was stuffed by 5pm.

Stuffed and slightly buzzed.

 It's decorative gourd season mofos!  My scarf and sweater have been

waiting for months to make an appearance.

(Anyone who knows me knows that is a lie.  I wear scarves and sweaters year-round...

BUT now it's totally socially acceptable.)

Hoboken has an Italian festival a few weeks ago, right next to the waterfront.

There were games, fireworks, lots of food, and lots of people.

(I apologize to the lady eating in the corner of this shot, but this is one of

the few pics I took that night!)

Procrastinating while working from home on a dreary day.

Seriously?! How cute is my friends' dog?  Her name is SoCo, though she's not actually 

named after the drink.  And she's even cuter when she's wearing a Hoboken shirt.

The Marriott's new "Do Not Disturb" signs.  I like them, but they are 

football related, so it wasn't exactly a hard sell.

Obligatory nighttime photo of the NYC skyline.

A little grainy.  I need to upgrade to the iPhone 5S!

Bath & Body Works has really stepped up their candle game this year!  I'm going back to stock up on these candles.  This one is called Sweater Weather and is pretty much my favorite.

My sister's block in Brooklyn.  Looks like a scene from the Cosby show!

via The Bitchin' Kitchin'


Put the internet to work for you.

via Personal Recipe 3542095

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