Saturday, November 9, 2013

Broiled Grapefruit: Making Breakfast Posh

Broiled Grapefruit Photo

Bachelor living does not sentence you to meals of cold cereal and canned soup. They absolutely have their place and the cans of chicken noodle soup will often confirm their very important existence. However, living on your own also means making whatever your little heart desires AND getting your practice in for that inevitable day where meals for one will turn into meals for two.

Here's a little known fun fact: Eating a grapefruit is a weekend thing to do. While it doesn't take long to prepare, it's something to be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea while catching up on some Netflix. Weekends are all about hitting the snooze button without guilt and the human body waking up when the time is right.

And since you have more time on the weekend without having to rush around, there is time to pop your breakfast under the broiler!  An apple stuffed with oats or a grapefruit drizzled with honey and sprinkled with a dash cinnamon is a wonderful treat. But when it's placed under the broiler, something magical happens, it gets colour, character and even a bit of sophistication. 

The honey and cinnamon combined with heat lessens the bitterness of the grapefruit. The honey adds to the juice of the grapefruit while still retaining the refreshing nature it's known for. And do not forget about squeezing those last remaining juices on to the spoon. If you are by yourself, slurping is permitted!

So treat yourself to broiled grapefruit on the weekend and leave the cereal in the cupboard for Monday.

If you're cooking for a slightly bigger crowd on the weekend, we recommend Megan's Plum Clafouti Recipe or Ashton's Vegan Pancake Recipe. Or make lots and lots of grapefruit!


  • 1 ruby red grapefruit
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • dash cinnamon


  1. Ensure the oven rack is directly below the broiler and turn on your oven to "Broil."
  2. Cut the grapefruit in half. Using a grapefruit knife (if you're fancy like that) or a small paring knife or even a thin steak knife will do, cut around the edges of the rind in a complete circle.
  3. Carefully separate each segment of the grapefruit with the knife so you're cutting small triangles and freeing each segment.
  4. Drizzle the honey over the grapefruit halves and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  5. Place on a shallow baking pan and broil in the oven for approximately 4minutes or until bubbling and lightly browned on the rind.
  6. Serve warm or room temperature.
  7. Enjoy!

via Food Fanatic


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