Friday, December 20, 2013

Chocolate Coconut Sugar Scrub

In case you're wondering, you can eat this.

Not that I have tried it or anything.  I'm just saying...

I've begun an obsession as of late with bath scrubs.  I'm pretty sure it has to do with the weather being colder and other such things.  So imagine my surprise and excitement when I found this recipe to make my own sugar scrub.  I don't know if you know this, but those little pots of sugar, oil, and really nice scents can get pretty pricey.  Making my own would not only allow me to save a little money this holiday season, but I could also customize my scrub to my own liking.  I'm just winning all over the place.

Let's also think ahead and if you still need a holiday gift, you can make this, put it in a fancy package and boom!  You have solved your problem.  I did this myself this past weekend when my girlfriends and I had our annual Secret Santa gift exchange dinner.  That dinner was epic, as per usual.  Can we say "fried chicken and eggnog waffles" at Melba's in Harlem.  I'm still dying just thinking about that dish.  Trust me, you need it in your life.

I'm pretty sure you also need this scrub.  This scrub is a combination of chocolate and coconut and sugar.  Nothing can go wrong here.  Nothing.

Chocolate Coconut Sugar Scrub
How Sweet It Is
makes ~1 1/2 cups (enough to fit into 3 4-ounce jars)

Print Recipe

  • 1 cup loosely packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil (in solid form)
  • 1/3 cup almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • a few drops of coconut extract or essential oil

1)  Add all ingredients together in a large bowl and mix until combined.  I recommend using the back of a tablespoon to break down the coconut oil.  I left some pretty small coconut oil chunks in the scrub, but you could choose to continue breaking those down completely.

2) If desired, top the scrub with a few chocolate chips or cacao nibs before packaging.  (Note: The scrub is pretty loose, so once the jars are picked up and moved elsewhere, the chocolate chip or cacao nib garnishes will most likely sink into the mixture.)

To use the scrub: Rub it over your skin and wash off! Do not use on face.  This can be used on lips, though.  As long as you use this once a week or every other week, it should stay fine at room temperature.

via The Bitchin' Kitchin'


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via Personal Recipe 3542095

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