Thursday, May 22, 2014

Recipe: Stuffed Peppadews with Salami & Parmesan — Recipes from The Kitchn

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I know what you're probably thinking: "Who has sweet peppadew peppers just hanging around the kitchen?" Point taken. But these little guys (sometimes also called "sweet piquante peppers") are on every olive bar we see. They are crunchy and sweet with a tiny bit of heat, and they come already hollowed out — in other words, ready to stuff and absolutely perfect for a quick appetizer or simple snack.

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For the filling here, I just cut up a few tiny chunks of Grana Padano and some slices of salami. I love the salty tastes with the sweet pepper.

They're bite-sized, colorful, and full of flavor, which is just what I'm looking for in a snack. Next time you buy bulk olives, look for these peppers and pick up a deli carton. They last forever in the fridge, and besides quick snacks like this, they're handy for going on pasta, for pizza, and all sorts of other things!

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Tester's Notes

I had never even heard of peppadews before this post and was skeptical about finding them on "every olive bar." But sure enough, there they were! Both my local chain grocery store (Safeway) and Whole Foods carried these little peppadews.

They do have a nicely crunchy texture with a spicy-sweet flavor. I love the contrast they make with the chewy salami and the salty cheese. So good.

These stuffed peppadews are the kind of one-bit snacks that disappear almost as quickly as you can set them out. Luckily, it's easy-peasy to make another batch.

- Emma, May 2014

Stuffed Peppadews with Parmesan & Salami

Serves 6 to 8 as an appetizer or light snack

8 ounce Italian salami
4 to 6 ounces Parmesan cheese
16 ounces peppadews (packed with their liquid)

Cut the circles of salami in half. Cut the parmesan into small 1/2-inch (or so) chunks. Shake the peppadews so they aren't filled with liquid, but don't worry about patting them dry.

Roll or fold the salami halves and stuff them into each peppapadew. Stuff a chunk of parmesan alongside.

Serve the peppadews immediately, or cover and refrigerate them for a few hours before serving.

Recipe Note

• The amounts given here are fairly general. You may end up with a little extra of any the ingredients, but they all keep for weeks in the fridge and can be used in other recipes. You can also feel free to substitute any cheese or cured meat here!

This recipe and post have been update. Originally published March 2009.

(Image credits: Emma Christensen)

via Recipe | The Kitchn


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