Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pudding

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Photo

Whether you are setting the table for two and lighting the candles for a night of romance, flying solo and enjoying a quiet evening alone, or cooking up a holiday treat with friends, this dark chocolate pudding is a Valentine menu favorite. The rich and creamy chocolate paired with bright and fresh raspberries make for a dessert that is both elegant and memorable. My favorite part: it is so incredibly easy.

You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen to whip up a batch of stovetop pudding for your sweetheart, or yourself.

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Picture

In fact, it's hardly more work than a box mix, but taking those few extra steps elevate this simple dessert to a whole new level of good. Find yourself some high quality dark chocolate and a small basket of raspberries and you are just minutes away from a dessert worthy of a holiday menu.

Don't wait for a holiday to mix up some old-fashioned stove top pudding though! This dark chocolate pudding has been a weeknight favorite at my house for almost eight years now. It's one of my kids' favorite desserts and it is right at the top of my list too.

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Image

Valentine's Day at our house this year will involve over a hundred homemade valentines between my three school age kids. It's going to be a lot of work, albeit the most fun kind of work there is. Once I make it through all the yarn, glitter, and paper hearts taking up residence on my kitchen table this week, I 'm going to reward myself and the kids for a job well done. Dark chocolate raspberry pudding sounds like the best kind of Valentine treat we could come up with!

It's #BeMyValentineWeek on Food Fanatic! Don't miss all our sweet treats; from cherry cream pie in a jar to chocolate covered strawberry marshmallows, you've got to try them all. 


  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk, divided
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
  • 2 teaspoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 6 ounces dark chocolate, chopped, at least 60% cacao
  • 1/2 cup raspberries, fresh


  1. In a medium sauce pan, bring 2 cups of milk to a boil over medium low heat.
  2. While the milk is heating, in a separate bowl, combine the sugar, cornstarch, and salt then stir in the remaining 1/2 cup of milk and 2 egg yolks. Whisk until well combined.
  3. Gradually add half of the hot milk, whisking constantly, to the egg yolk mixture.
  4. Return milk mixture to the pan and stir constantly over medium heat for 2 to 4 minutes as the mixture thickens into pudding consistency and begins to boil.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in butter, vanilla, and dark chocolate.  


  • To serve warm, cool just slightly, top with raspberries and enjoy immediately.
  • To serve cold, spoon pudding into a bowl. Place bowl in a large ice-filled bowl for 15 minutes or until pudding is cool. Cover surface of pudding with plastic wrap and chill until ready to serve.

Recommended Equipment

via Food Fanatic http://ift.tt/16Mg8fA


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