Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chia Seed Parfait

Chia Seed Parfait Photo

I recently made some maple walnut granola that I've been eating all the time. The stuff is crazy addictive. I've been eating it for breakfast, lunch and snacks. I haven't quite resorted to eating it for dinner yet but I just might.

I've also been eating all the chia seed pudding I can make. See a theme here? EAT ALL THE HEALTHY FOOD. In moderation.

One morning I was trying to decide between a bowl of granola with fruit or a bowl of chia seed pudding with fruit. Then I had a brilliant idea of combining them. Sorry for the story book play-out.

Chia Seed Parfait Picture

But seriously, why couldn't I have them together? Granola is great with yogurt, it's got a nice textural contrast and yogurt parfaits are on every menu across the universe. Subbing chia seed pudding for yogurt seemed like an awesome idea.

Luckily, that awesome idea worked out. Sometimes my "brilliant" food combinations don't turn out as well as this. But the chia seed pudding parfaits are absolutely delicious. Yum, yum and yum. Holy yum.

Crunchy, crispy granola + sweet, fresh fruit + creamy chia seed pudding = killer combo. It's such a great shake up to your regular breakfast routine. Speaking of breakfast routine, my new year's resolution was to eat breakfast most days of the week. I'm happy to report that I've actually been pretty good about sticking to that (in case you cared). Hence, the bazillion breakfast recipes I've been posting since last month.

Chia Seed Parfait Image

So just a heads up, I'm about to go on a little rant. When I made the chia seed pudding a few weeks ago, someone made a comment on Facebook about the chia seed pudding being a nightmare for people with Trypophobia. Trypophobia, apparently, is the fear of clustered circles/holes. I'm sorry, but is this a thing? I'm about to get controversial here and ask, how is that even possible? I mean, for real? Apparently it is. And people with Trypophobia are afraid of things like honeycomb, coral, foamy soap bubbles, swiss cheese and now, chia seed pudding. FOR REAL. Luckily, I don't have this fear and I can consume all the chia pudding I want while watching ants in their ant hills and using natural sponges to clean up messes in the kitchen.

Chia Seed Parfait Pic

So if you're one of the 6.999 billion people in the world NOT affected by Trypophobia, you will love these chia seed pudding parfaits. Enjoy!

P.S. Can people with Trypophobia eat blackberries?

P.S.S. This is not meant to offend anyone. I just get a little salty when I'm tired. Which is all the time.


  • 1 cup granola
  • 1 cup chia seed pudding, prepared
  • 1/2 cup blackberries, fresh
  • 1/2 cup strawberries, fresh


  1. In a bowl or cup, layer (in this order) half the granola, half the chia seed pudding, half the blackberries and half the strawberries.
  2. Repeat layers with the remaining ingredients.
  3. Enjoy immediately.

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via Food Fanatic http://ift.tt/1bq3oOK


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