Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Recipe: Super-Power Morning Smoothie — Breakfast Recipes from The Kitchn

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Now and then, a girl needs a little magic to get through the day and fly above it all. I have a couple of pretty gigantic projects going on right now, and while moving a mile a minute isn't my preferred way to live, it's been a reality. At times, I move so fast that I forget to eat, and I get clumsy and frantic. That'll knock the wind right out of a lady's magic fairy wings. To make sure I stay on top of it all, I need a nourishing and energizing breakfast.

For years, the smoothie routine was yogurt, orange juice, and frozen fruit. But recently, I realized my morning meal wasn't delivering what I needed to make it through these whiz-bang days. I needed to step the blended breakfast up a notch; I needed to call in the super-powers.

So I did a smoothie revamp. I added greens for vitamins, almond butter for protein, coconut water for hydration, flax oil and cinnamon for purported health benefits, and a frozen banana to make it feel decadent. I might still be moving a mile a minute, but on the days when I have my Super-Power Morning Smoothie, I feel balanced and graceful while I'm at it.

May your days be productive and peaceful, and may you bring great energy and magic to whatever your work might be.

Super-Power Morning Smoothie

Serves 1

1 large handful roughly chopped kale, spinach, collards, or a combination
1 frozen peeled banana, cut into several pieces
1 cup unsweetened coconut water
2 tablespoons almond butter
1 tablespoon flax oil
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until completely uniform in color and all the bits of green are pulverized. Serve immediately.

This recipe was originally published in January 2013.

(Image credits: Sara Kate Gillingham)

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