As you've probably heard, this holiday season includes the once-in-a-lifetime convergence of Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah, an occasion more popularly known as Thanksgivukkah. Cooks all over the country are embracing the opportunity to mix the traditional foods of two holidays on one table, and this week we are sharing Thanksgivukkah recipes and ideas from our favorite chefs and cookbook authors.
Today David Tanis, author of One Good Dish, gives us a glimpse of the small but elegant dinner he is planning and shares his recipe for crispy potato galettes, his twist on the traditional latke.
What will you be serving at your Thanksgivukkah meal?
We're having a small group this year, so I'm going to make the Crispy Potato Galettes in One Good Dish. Not exactly a latke, but similar. And a delicious chard gratin, also from One Good Dish.
Which of these dishes are you most excited about and why?
Love them both. But what's great about the potato galettes is that they can be made several hours ahead and reheated.
Do you have any advice for planning a memorable Thanksgivukkah meal?
Use my method from Heart of the Artichoke for cooking turkey in pieces, not whole. People will remember it as the best turkey they ever had.
→ Get the recipe: David Tanis's Roasted & Braised Turkey - Leite's Culinaria

Crispy Potato Galette
Excerpted from One Good Dish by David Tanis (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2013. Photographs by Gentl & Hyers.
Makes 4 servings
There is no denying the universal appeal of potatoes cooked until crisp and golden. This is a version of an irresistible old-school French dish called pommes Anna, heavenly with a steak, a roast chicken, or just about anything. The key to success is to slice the potatoes very thin and not skimp on the butter. Start the galette in a cast-iron pan on the stovetop and finish it in a hot oven.
1 pound russet or large Yellow Finn potatoes, peeled
4 tablespoons butter, melted
Salt and pepper
Heat the oven to 400°F, with a rack in the top third. Using a mandoline or sharp knife, slice the potatoes as thin as possible, about 1/16 inch. Do not rinse or cover with water — the potatoes' starch helps keep the galette intact.
Swirl 2 tablespoons of the butter to coat the bottom of a 10-inch cast-iron skillet. Beginning at the center of the pan, arrange the potato slices in a closely overlapping circular pattern, spiraling outward with each row until the pan is completely covered with slices, all in one layer. Continue until all the slices are used. Season the top with salt and pepper to taste, and drizzle with the remaining 2 tablespoons of melted butter, making sure all the slices are well coated.
Set the pan on a burner over medium-high heat. When the potatoes start to sizzle, let cook for another minute or two, then transfer the pan to the oven. Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes, or until beautifully browned. To serve, invert the galette onto a cutting board and carefully cut into quarters; alternatively, invert directly onto a serving platter, leaving in one piece.
More from David Tanis:
→ Read his cookbooks: One Good Dish, Heart of the Artichoke and A Platter of Figs
→ Check out his website
→ Follow him on Twitter
(Image credits: Andrea Gentl; Gentl & Hyers)

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