Friday, May 15, 2015

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes Photo

Growing up, I always thought that peach cobbler and peach crisp were the same thing. My mom always made this stuff with peaches, oats and brown sugar that we called peach cobbler, and it was absolutely delicious. Only when I moved to the South did I discover that oats and brown sugar equal a Peach CRISP, not a peach cobbler.

Peach cobber is made with a batter that is nothing like the buttery cinnamon crumbs I still pinch from the bowl and eat raw when preparing a crisp. The batter bakes up kind of like a cross between cake and pastry, and is usually sprinkled with sugar on top for a sweet crunch.

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes Picture

Although I've also seen cobblers made with a rolled out pie-type crust, cobbler made with batter is my favorite. It makes it distinctively different than a pie, and pairs perfectly with whipped cream or ice cream – not too sweet. I like to add a pinch of cinnamon for cozy, comforting flavor, but it's just my personal preference.

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes Image

The only downside to cobbler is that it's not the most glamorous dessert, that's for darn sure. Placed next to gorgeous layer cakes and fudgy brownies, it's likely to be overlooked, which is totally unfair if you ask me. It brings back all kinds of childhood trauma, like when my friends would make me be Elizabeth Wakefield every time we played Sweet Valley High. Sure, I wore glasses and was kind of plain on the outside, but did anyone ever consider that I might be a Jessica on the inside?

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes Pic

No, no they did not. And to this day, it remains one of the great injustices of my life.

To remedy the situation, I decided to bake up adorable peach cobbler cupcakes. Who could resist these adorable bites packed with peach and finished with a crispy sugar crust? No one, that's who.

Peach Cobbler Cupcakes Photo

via Food Fanatic


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