Friday, June 12, 2015

S'mores Quesadilla

S'mores Quesadilla Photo

My 6 year old has a peanut butter sandwich every single day. Some days it's peanut butter and Nutella, some days it's peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, and some days its peanut butter and Hershey's spread. I am torn by her lunches. I feel guilty about this for two reasons; for one thing, I should probably strongly urge her to try different things for lunch. As a mom, it's sort of my job to introduce my kids to a variety of food. Whatever. The second reason I feel guilty is I'm basically letting my child eat dessert for lunch every single day.

S'mores Quesadilla Picture

I suppose there are probably worse things she could be eating for lunch. Bologna and hot dogs come to mind. Boxed mac and cheese? Frozen nuggets? Eh, maybe. I know I wouldn't eat them. Then again, I didn't think I'd eat marshmallow fluff and I chocolate spread either, but I did. And I LOVED it! Now I see just how smart my daughter actually is.

S'mores Quesadilla Image

This s'mores quesadilla recipe is sort of laughable. It's so simple it's hardly a recipe, but it is so worth sharing! I placed a hefty tablespoon of Hershey's Spread and smeared it on my tortilla. I placed two graham crackers squares over my chocolate and topped those with a hefty spoonful of marshmallow fluff.

While it may be an unconventional s'mores, it is melt in your mouth delicious! The graham crackers soften and almost taste like cake. The chocolate and marshmallow swirl together and melt right into your mouth.

S'mores Quesadilla Pic

I'm no stranger to s'mores recipes. I've made s'mores donuts and even s'mores martinis. But this just might be my favorite s'mores flavored treat. With this recipe I can get away with indulging in s'mores and calling them lunch!

My daughter and I will be quite the pair. She'll enjoy her peanut butter sandwich for lunch each day, and I'll sit beside her with my s'mores quesadilla. And we will be happy.


  • 2 burrito-sized flour tortillas
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate spread, i used hershey's
  • 2 sheets graham crackers, broken into 8 individual squares
  • 2 tablespoons marshmallow fluff
  • powdered sugar


  1. Spray a large skillet with non-stick spray and place over medium heat.
  2. Place one tortilla on hot skillet. Place 1 tablespoon of chocolate spread on half of the tortilla, spread to cover.
  3. Arrange 4 graham crackers over chocolate and spread 1 tablespoon of marshmallow spread over cracker.
  4. Fold empty side of the tortilla over fluff.
  5. Heat quesadilla for 2 minutes or until golden, flip and heat the second side for an additional 2 minutes.
  6. Remove and repeat with remaining ingredients.
  7. Cut each quesadilla in half and dust with powdered sugar. Serve immediately.


via Food Fanatic


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