Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tips for Baking Cookies

We are in the middle of cookie week here at Better Recipes.   The "Best Cookie Ever" contest will close tonight, so get those recipes in right away!

When baking the perfect cookie, it's not only the recipe that counts, your equipment matters as well!  Some swear by silicone (Silpat) baking sheets, while others believe a great non-stick cookie sheet is just fine.  I decided to do a bit of investigative work to find out which is best for baking cookies!

Keep reading for my tips for baking cookies!

There are several schools of thought when it comes to baking the perfect cookie.  Some say investing in a silicone mat is the way to go, others like to have a roll of parchment paper on hand, while others think the good, old-fashioned ungreased cookie sheet is just fine!

I decided to try all three!  As you can see my cookie sheet is not anything fancy, and definitely well used…

For this experiment, I used a package of  Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. This way the cookies would automatically be of uniform shape and size, and the recipe wouldn't be a factor in the final results.

There are 12 cookies in the package, so I used 4 on each baking option.   The cookies were baked in my brand new KitchenAid Range.  I am so in love with this stove because it provides consistent heating and even cooking to ensure there will be no burnt edges or undercooked centers.  Perfect for my cookie baking experiment!

Here are the top and bottom photos of the results!

First, the cookies baked on the silicone baking mat.

The cookies easily slipped off the mat and didn't stick at all.  The bottom of the cookie was ever so slightly darker than the other results, but it was minimal.  A baking mat is the biggest upfront investment, with each costing around $20.  They are reusable, but I would want several on hand so I could prepare several batches of cookies for the oven.

Below are the cookies baked on the parchment paper.  Again, the cookies did not stick at all and slid off easily.  I love parchment for the easy clean-up, however you are creating waste compared to the other two options.  It is also a less expensive option compared to the silicone baking mat if you don't bake very often.

Finally, the cookies below were baked on a well-used, ungreased cookie sheet.   These cookies did stick slightly and I had to use a bit more force with the spatula to get them off the cookie sheet.  They did not "slide" off like the cookies baked on the silicone or parchment.  It wasn't bad, but I did notice a difference.  You can see a few nicks on the bottom of the cookies where they stuck a bit.

The conclusion?  Personally, I am a fan of parchment.  It's a lower cost alternative and you can't get easier clean up.  I have also found that you can re-use the paper for several batches of cookies to reduce waste.  I also like parchment for it's versatility.  I use it when making Kale Chips or baking "en papillote."

What's your opinion?  What do you think is the best technique for baking a perfect cookie?  Tell us!

via The Daily Dish

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 3575582

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