Wednesday, March 4, 2015

paneer biryani recipe, how to make paneer biryani recipe

paneer biryani recipe

paneer biryani recipe with step by step photos – mildly spiced and delicious dum cooked layered paneer biryani.

i have been wanting to post a recipe of paneer biryani from a long time. finally adding the recipe.

this paneer biryani recipe is very different than any paneer biryani recipe you must have seen or read. here i have just marinated the paneer cubes, layered with cooked rice and then dum cooked. so no gravy is made before. the paneer cubes do not become dense or hard as we are not cooking them twice.

easy in a way, but there is some prep work like frying the onions, which is also known as birista and cooking the rice. after that its just tightly cooking the layered biryani in a pot or in the oven.

the paneer biryani is mild and delicately flavored. so not spicy or hot. serve paneer biryani with raita like a onion-tomato raita or cucumber raita or boondi raita. you can also serve with sliced onion-lime salad or onion-tomato-cucumber salad.

lets start step by step paneer biryani recipe:

1. rinse basmati rice very well in water till the starch clears from the water. the water should be clear and not cloudy or opaque. then soak the rice in water for 30 minutes.

basmati rice for paneer biryani recipe

2. when the rice is soaking, prep the ingredients for the biryani. thinly slice 2 medium onions. heat 4 tbsp oil or ghee in a small frying pan and add the sliced onions.

onions for paneer biryani recipe

3. stir and begin to fry the onions till they turn golden. add one or two pinches of salt for quick browning of the onions. stir often for uniform browning and fry on a low flame.

sauting onions for paneer biryani recipe

4. here the onions have begun to get golden.

sauting onions for paneer biryani recipe

5. once the onions become golden, then remove them with a slotted spoon and place them on kitchen paper towels. keep the fried onions aside. these crisp golden fried onions are also known as birista. keep the oil or ghee in which we fried the onions aside. we will be using this oil or ghee while layering the biryani.

onions for paneer biryani recipe

6. warm 4 tbsp milk on stove top or in the microwave. add 16 to 18 saffron strands to the milk. stir and keep aside.

saffron for paneer biryani recipe

7. whisk 8 tbsp fresh full fat curd/yogurt in a mixing bowl till smooth.

milk for paneer biryani recipe

8. add 1 tsp ginger paste, 1 tsp garlic paste, 1 tsp chopped green chilies, 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves and ½ tbsp chopped mint leaves. mix well.

curd for paneer biryani recipe

9. now add the spices – ¼ tsp turmeric powder, ¼ tsp red chili powder, ¼ tsp garam masala powder, ½ tsp coriander powder, ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds, 1 tsp lime juice and salt as required. mix again.

spices for paneer biryani recipe

10. then add the ½ of the fried onions and paneer cubes.

add paneer cubes

11. mix gently. cover and keep the marinated paneer aside for 30 minutes at room temperature. if marinating the paneer for a longer time, then keep in the fridge.

marinated paneer for biryani

12. meanwhile here our rice is soaked after 30 minutes. drain the rice well and keep aside.

rice for paneer biryani recipe

13. bring 4 cups water to a rolling boil in a pot.

water for paneer biryani recipe

14. add whole spices – 1 inch cinnamon, 1 medium bay leaf or 2 small bay leaves, 2 to 3 cloves , 2 to 3 green cardamoms & ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds.

spices for paneer biryani recipe

15. add 1 tsp salt.

salt for paneer biryani recipe

16. now add the soaked rice.

add rice for paneer biryani recipe

17. do not stir and you will see the temperature drops a bit after adding rice. also do not cover the pan.

making paneer biryani recipe

18. keep the flame to high and cook the rice without lowering the tempearature.

cooking paneer biryani recipe

19. the rice grains have to be cooked till they 75% or ¾th done. they should have a bite to them when eaten.

cooked rice for paneer biryani recipe

20. drain the rice in a colander. you can also rinse the rice grains gently to remove starch if any and to stop the grains from cooking. cover with a lid and keep the rice aside.

rice for paneer biryani recipe

21. this is the marinated paneer after 30 minutes.

marinated paneer for paneer biryani

22. add the same oil in which we fried the onions to a thick bottomed pan or pot. if cooking the biryani in an oven, then add the oil to an oven safe glass bowl or pan.

making paneer biryani recipe

23. add the marinated paneer and layer neatly.

add marinated paneer

24. make a rice layer now. add all the rice. i have just made two layers. if you want you can make 4 layers.

rice layer for paneer biryani recipe

25. add the remaining fried onions.

coriander for paneer biryani recipe

27. now add 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves and ½ tbsp mint leaves.

milk for paneer biryani recipe

28. sprinkle the saffron flavored and colored milk all over.

ghee for paneer biryani recipe

29. dot with 1 tbsp ghee. you can also add 1 tsp of rose water or kewra water.

ghee for paneer biryani recipe

30. cover with a foil or with a moist cloth.

covered paneer biryani recipe

31. place the lid tightly on the pan and place it on a tava or griddle.

covered paneer biryani recipe

32. for the first 5 minutes dum cook the biryani on a medium flame. then lower the flame and cook the paneer biryani on dum for 12 to 15 minutes. you can also cook the biryani in a preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes at 180 degrees celsius/350 degrees fahrenheit.

cooking paneer biryani recipe

32. here's the paneer biryani after being dum cooked for 20 minutes.

cooked paneer biryani recipe

serve the paneer biryani hot or warm with onion tomato raita or boondi raita or cucumber raita or kuchumber salad.

paneer biryani

tips and variations for the paneer biryani:

  • you can add some steamed peas and steamed veggies like carrots, cauliflower, potatoes. but then you will have to increase the curd and other spices accordingly to accommodate the veggies.
  • the paneer cubes can be marinated overnight in the refrigerator.
  • for frozen paneer, thaw them in warm water for some minutes and then slice.
  • the birista or fried onions can be made a day before and then stored in an air tight container.
  • for a vegan version, use oil and a dairy free yogurt like cashew or almond yogurt. avoid soy yogurt as it gives an after taste.
  • fried cashews and raisins can also be added in the layers.

if you are looking for more biryani recipes then do check kathal biryani, veg biryani, palak biryani, kashmiri biryani, kerala biryani and mushroom biryani recipe.

paneer biryani recipe below:

paneer biryani recipe

paneer biryani recipe - mildly spiced and delicately flavored paneer biryani.



CUISINE: north indian, awadhi


INGREDIENTS (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)

for birista or fried onions:

  • 2 medium to large onions or 150 grams onions, about 1 cup thinly sliced onions
  • 4 tbsp oil or ghee

for cooking the rice:

  • 1 cup basmati rice or 180 grams of basmati rice
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 inch cinnamon/dal chini
  • 1 medium bay leaf or 2 small bay leaves/tej patta
  • 2 to 3 cloves/lavang
  • 2 to 3 green cardamoms/chotti elachi
  • ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds

for paneer marination:

  • 200 to 250 grams paneer/cottage cheese
  • 8 tbsp yogurt/curd/dahi
  • 1 tsp ginger paste or 1 inch ginger crushed to a paste in a mortar-pestle
  • 1 tsp garlic paste or 4 to 5 garlic cloves rushed to a paste in a mortar-pestle
  • 2 green chilies, chopped or 1 tsp chopped green chilies
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
  • ½ tbsp chopped mint leaves
  • ¼ tsp turmeric powder/haldi
  • ¼ tsp red chili powder/lal mirch powder
  • ¼ tsp garam masala powder
  • ½ tsp coriander powder/dhania powder
  • ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • salt as required

other layering ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 16 to 18 saffron strands/kesar
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves/dhania patta
  • ½ tbsp chopped mint leaves/pudina patta


cooking the rice:

  1. rinse basmati rice very well in water till the starch clears from the water. the water should be clear and not cloudy or opaque. then soak the rice in water for 30 minutes.
  2. meanwhile here our rice is soaked after 30 minutes. drain the rice well and keep aside.
  3. bring 4 cups water to a rolling boil in a pot.
  4. add whole spices - 1 inch cinnamon, 1 medium bay leaf or 2 small bay leaves, 2 to 3 cloves , 2 to 3 green cardamoms & ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds. also add 1 tsp salt.
  5. now add the soaked rice. do not stir the rice.
  6. keep the flame to high and cook the rice without lowering the temperature.
  7. the rice grains have to be cooked till 75% or ¾th. they should have a bite to them when eaten.
  8. drain the rice in a colander. you can also rinse the rice grains to remove starch if any and to stop the grains from cooking. cover with a lid and keep the rice aside.

preparing the birista or fried onions:

  1. when the rice is soaking, prep the ingredients for the biryani. slice 2 medium onions. heat 4 tbsp oil or ghee in a small frying pan and add the sliced onions.
  2. stir and begin to fry the onions till they turn golden. add one or two pinches of salt for quick browning of the onions. stir often for uniform browning and fry on a low flame.
  3. here the onions have begun to get golden.
  4. once the onions become golden, then remove them with a slotted spoon and place them on kitchen paper towels. keep the fried onions aside.

prepping up the marination and the the layering ingredients:

  1. warm 4 tbsp milk on stove top or in the microwave. add 16 to 18 saffron strands to the milk. stir and keep aside.
  2. whisk 8 tbsp fresh full fat curd/ yogurt in a mixing bowl till smooth.
  3. add 1 tsp ginger paste, 1 tsp garlic paste, 1 tsp chopped green chilies, 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves and ½ tbsp chopped mint leaves to the mix well.
  4. now add the spices- ¼ tsp turmeric powder, ¼ tsp red chili powder, ¼ tsp garam masala powder, ½ tsp coriander powder, ¼ tsp shahjeera/caraway seeds, 1 tsp lime juice
  5. and salt as required. mix again.
  6. then add the ½ of the fried onions and paneer cubes.
  7. mix gently. cover and keep the marinated paneer aside for 30 minutes.

assembling, layering and dum cooking:

  1. add the same oil in which we fried the onions to a pan or pot.
  2. add the marinated paneer and layer neatly.
  3. make a rice layer now. add all the rice. i have just made two layers. if you want you can make 4 layers.
  4. add the remaining fried onions, 1 tbsp chopped coriander and ½ tbsp mint leaves.
  5. sprinkle the saffron flavored and colored milk.
  6. dot with 1 tbsp ghee. you can also add 1 tsp of rose water or kewra water.
  7. cover with a foil or with a moist cloth.
  8. place the lid tightly on the pan and place it on a tava or griddle. for the first 5 minutes dum cook the biryani on a medium flame. then lower the flame and cook the paneer biryani
  9. on dum for 12 to 15 minutes. you can also cook the biryani in a preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes at 180 degrees celsius. use an oven proof pan.
  10. serve the paneer biryani hot with boondi raita or cucumber raita or onion tomato raita or kuchumber salad.



via Veg Recipes of India


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