Monday, September 16, 2013

Bubble Up Pizza

Can we discuss how I've never heard of bubble up pizza before?  Where was I?  I can tell you where I wasn't.  I wasn't scarfing down this deliciousness.  That's what I wasn't doing.

Since football season is back in full swing, I could totally envision myself making this for friends who come over to watch the big game.  That is, if my friends would actually come to my apartment to watch the game.  Hint: they won't.  Why?  I happen to be living large in the land of the early 2000's and I am still hanging on to my 27" box television.  No HD in sight.  You may think that this troubles me.  It doesn't.  In fact, I still love my box television.  As long as it works I'm never getting rid of it  However, it does eliminate me as a host for the big game.  So I guess I'll have to make this wonderful pizza and take it to someone else's place for a good time.

This recipe came to me via Julie over at Little Bit of Everything.  I initially considered creating a spectacular fall (aka pumpkin) recipe for this month's Secret Recipe Club,  but when I came across this pizza I just knew that it was "the one".  And how could I resist anything which involves those refrigerated biscuits?  I ate those things countless times as a kid so of course I couldn't pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make pizza out of them.
Bubble Up Pizzafrom Little Bit of Everything
serves 6-8
Print Recipe
  • 2 containers refrigerated biscuit dough, 6 biscuits each
  • 1 jar pizza sauce
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 1 cup pepperoni (or other favorite toppings)
  • 5 fresh basil leaves (optional)

1)  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2) With a sharp knife, divide each biscuit into 4.

3) In a large bowl, combine diced biscuit dough, sauce, 1 1/2 cups cheese and all the toppings. Stir to combine.

4) Pour the mixture into greased oven safe skillet or 9×13 baking pan.

5) If using, chiffonade the basil and sprinkle on top along with the remaining cheese. (As you can see, I didn't use any.)

6) Bake according to directions on dough, checking to make sure dough is cooked through and cheese is bubbling.  Let cool 5 minutes before serving.

I'm going to come clean here: 1) I only made half the batch of bubble up pizza.  That was basically because although it makes enough for 6-8 servings, I was only feeding myself this weekend...which means that I would have been consuming a ton of servings.  By myself.  Not cool.  2) After looking at these pictures, I realize I probably could have allowed the pizza to bake a bit more.  My "after" pictures looks almost as pale as my "before" pictures!  But trust that the pizza was definitely cooked through.

I would compare this pizza to eating monkey bread.  Those wonderful pieces of dough just fell apart.  And who on earth doesn't love pepperoni?  (Don't answer that if you don't.)  This pizza was excellent and just required so little work that it was almost unreal.  Thanks so much, Julie, for introducing me to the world of bubble up pizza!

via The Bitchin' Kitchin'

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 3542095

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